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Pharmacy Coupons

Pharmacy Coupons

Pharmacy Coupons, one of my Money saving Ideas. Like so many Americans, my family spends a lot of money on prescription medication. My husband takes 8 prescriptions, and I take 4. Insurance does help, but the pills can still get expensive, especially if you have a chronic disease. 

I have found that if you find out who the manufacturer of the prescription is and go to their website, they usually offer discounts. Start by googling the name of the medicine and see what information Google gives you.  The results from Google search will provide a lot of different discounts on medication; however, it is crucial that you read the coupon because most of those do not work if you have insurance.

Most manufacturer sites will have a section for assistance in purchasing the drug. The compensation may include financial help due to income or just give a monthly discount. 

I have gotten discounts for my husband’s medications where the 1st month is free, and then it cost $5.00 after that.  Most of the coupons I have are at least half off the price after insurance pays.  I have one medication I am on that is a program that files with my insurance and after the insurance pays there is $200.00 left to pay for the drug, and I have to pay $30.00 however if I have it automatically sent to me I pay nothing. 

Looking for coupons on medications or programs (especially for new medicines) is a challenging and time-consuming process. In the long run, this has saved me a ton of money on my medication.

So use Pharmacy Coupons and get discounts. 

Find out more at: https://www.goodrx.com/

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susan wilson